Verdani Vitals Coronavirus Response (Part 1) | March 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19 Important Updates
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 Verdani Vitals Q1 | March 2020
Our teams, clients and community are at the heart of who we are. During this challenging time we want to assure you that we are working hard to be responsible and proactive in the face of great uncertainty and we are staying on top of mission-critical practices and procedures for appropriately responding to the Coronavirus pandemic. ~ Team Verdani
Coronavirus Response for Real Estate

This is Part 1 of a multi-part series on Coronavirus and real estate with an ESG perspective. We aim to publish new content each week on topics that impact your portfolios, properties, employees, tenants, residents and communities.
Business Continuity & Responsible Operations  

Given the rapidly-evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, we feel it imperative to provide an update on the steps we are taking to ensure business continuity and to support the wellbeing of our team and community that we care for deeply. 

As COVID-19 impacts our communities, businesses, workplaces and families all over the world, Verdani is sensitive to the challenges everyone is facing and has taken a proactive approach to “flatten the transmission curve” and inhibit the virus spread by activating an expanded remote work protocol and closing our offices in advance of the outbreak. This allowed our teams ample time to get set up at home for full-time remote work. In addition, the extra days also allowed our team members’ families to safely prepare for social distancing and self-quarantine arrangements to protect themselves and their loved ones. 

We have communicated practices and protocols that align with the most up to date U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations and are closely monitoring new developments about COVID-19. While it is challenging to maintain business-as-usual, we remain committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients and will continue to take every possible precaution to support our team and community in these difficult times.  

Verdani Corporate Sustainability Support  

Verdani’s Corporate Sustainability teams are supporting client property and asset teams in their response to COVID-19 by preparing resources you can share with your employees and tenants, so they can safeguard themselves, their workplaces and homes as quickly as possible.  

In addition, for real asset management firms, companies that own or manage the properties where we live and work, responding to the concerns of employees, tenants, residents and customers must be the top priority. It’s especially urgent if your properties are in high risk-zones and vulnerable areas. Here are five strategies you can employ for your building or portfolio:

  • Increase and improve ventilation by opening windows or ventilating for fresh outdoor air 
  • Post ample educational signage about handwashing and social distancing
  • Strengthen cleaning protocols using guidance from CDC, WHO and EPA
  • Maintain optimal higher-humidity environments to minimize virus' chances of survival and spreading
  • Filter indoor air to sanitize air and surfaces

We are also preparing the following resources to share with you soon:
  • Emergency Guidelines for Coronavirus Pandemic Response
  • CRE and Coronavirus: Education and Strategies (Presentation)
Flatten The Curve: Social Distance

[From LiveScience 3/16/20] In epidemiology, the idea of slowing a virus' spread so that fewer people need to seek treatment at any given time is known as "flattening the curve." It explains why so many countries are implementing "social distancing" guidelines — including a "shelter in place" order that affects 6.7 million people in Northern California, even though COVID-19 outbreaks there might not yet seem severe. Here's what you need to know about the curve, and why we want to flatten it (video).

As there is currently no vaccine or specific medication to treat COVID-19, and because testing is so limited in the U.S., the only way to flatten the curve is through collective action. The CDC has recommended that all Americans wash their hands frequently, self-isolate when they're sick or suspect they might be, and start "social distancing" (essentially, avoiding other people whenever possible) right away.
(Image credit: CDC and Johannes Kalliauer/ CC BY-SA 4.0)
What if someone tests positive for coronavirus in your office:

Follow CDC protocols for quarantine and business shutdown. The best current practice appears to be for the entire office in which the affected employee worked to close for 14 days and for all potentially exposed employees to self-quarantine during that period.
More information here.
Guidance for Response to COVID-19

Communications During An Emergency 

To prepare properties for responding to COVID-19, one of the first things that can be done is to provide clear timely communications with tenants. Across all building types, tenants should be immediately informed about what they can do personally to prevent virus transmission in their homes, buildings and the greater community. Education and awareness are the very first steps to manage the situation and slow the spread of the disease. Communicate emergency and operational and business continuity plans and explain what policies and what benefits and services will be available to them. Emails and notices should include information about what COVID-19 is, how to prevent it and what preventative steps the organization and/or property is taking to manage the situation. Updates should also share how often information will be communicated and include resources for finding official disease information such as the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO). Further, share best practices with other organizations in your communities (especially those in your supply chain), chambers of commerce and associations to improve community response efforts.

Real Estate Property Management Concerns 

There are many preventative steps that can be taken to reduce the spread and chance of infection by COVID-19 in buildings. For real estate managers, it is recommended that properties immediately implement disease control protocols such as more frequently scheduled cleanings, increased orders of disinfectants and supplies, providing access to hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes in common areas and daily cleaning of frequently touched surfaces such as elevator buttons, counters and door handles. Air quality is of particular concern and is the first line of defense. Running fans, upgrading filters and keeping them clean, and above all, increasing the rates of fresh air being brought in is by far the best way to improve building occupant health. Properties are also urged to make contingency plans for future pandemics that include information on how to adjust building operations procedures to prevent the spread of disease.  

Continuity Planning: Integrating a Pandemic Response 

Many have been caught off-guard with the rapid onset of COVID-19. Developing or updating existing emergency response plans to include pandemic response is critical to improve your organization’s resilience. Here are some key elements that should be considered in business continuity plans: building optimization strategies, communications for work and emergency, supply chain and vendor management, strengthened cleaning protocols, tenant lease clauses, handling of intolerance and harassment, adding new or updated remote and flexible work policies and changes to sick leave policy. Continuity plans are essential during this time in order demonstrate an organized response and build a sense of public safety and trust during times of pandemic crisis. 

For keeping employees safe and healthy during the crisis, CDC has interim guidance for business that includes actively encouraging sick employees to stay home, separating sick employees, emphasizing staying home when sick, urging respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene by all employees, performing routine environmental cleaning and advising employees before traveling to take certain steps. In addition, CDC also has resources for conducting Coronavirus risk assessment in cases of potential exposure.

Additional Resources 

For Real Estate Managers
5 Ways to Optimize Buildings For Coronavirus Prevention
How Healthy Buildings Can Help Us Fight Coronavirus
IREM/NAA: Coronavirus Webinar Recording – What Real Estate Managers Need to Know
Commercial Real Estate in the Age of the COVID-19 Virus
ASHRAE Position Document on Airborne Infectious Diseases
Commercial Real Estate Tips: Practical Answers from Sheppard Mullin’s Coronavirus Task Force
Guidance for Dealing with the Coronavirus - National Apartment Association (NAA)
Multifamily: How to Keep Residents Engaged During COVID-19 (NAA)

For Businesses and Employers
OSHA - Interim guidance to help prevent worker exposure to COVID-19
ICC-WHO Joint Statement: An unprecedented private sector call to action to tackle COVID-19
Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease
Coronavirus Crisis - Resiliency and Safety in the Workplace
Supply-chain recovery in coronavirus times—plan for now and the future
Teleworking / Work from Home Best Practices (NAA)

Coronavirus and Climate Change
Here's Why Coronavirus And Climate Change Are Different Sorts Of Policy Problems
Climate Change Has Lessons for Fighting the Coronavirus
How changes brought on by coronavirus could help tackle climate change

About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
CDC Coronavirus Information
Harvard Professor Issues FAQ on Coronavirus
Live Global Coronavirus Tracker
Tracking Every Coronavirus Case in the U.S.: Full Map

Why Action is Urgent
Coronavirus: What is 'flattening the curve,' and will it work?
Minimizing Coronavirus’ impact is a race against time - this chart explains why
COVID-19: Dealing with Social Distancing (podcast)

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Verdani Vitals COVID-19 Response (Part 2) | June 2020


Verdani Vitals Holiday 2019 | December 2019