Verdani Partners | Happy Holidays 2016

Happy Holidays | Verdani Partners | 2016
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Verdani Partners | Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays from the Verdani Climate Heroes! Thank you to our clients, colleagues, and industry partners for joining us in the battle to improve our buildings and our planet. Together, we are transforming the built environment and creating sustainable, healthy and resilient spaces.

Like true Climate Heroes, we should not be discouraged by the daunting challenges we face. Instead we can refocus them as an opportunity to innovate and continue to shift away from fossil fuels. It is critical that we all continue to advance green building solutions. This can be done by our individual actions and choices and by working with local groups, supporting non-profits and grassroots movements, and working with the market to affect change. See Verdani's blog for specific actions that you can take today.

“Sustainability’s goal is to create possibilities, not to limit options.”

In order to increase our contributions towards a more sustainable built environment, we have recently created a Non-Profit organization, Verdani’s Institute for the Built Environment (VIBE). VIBE’s initial projects will focus on education, crowdsourcing, and collaboration on a global scale. Stay tuned for more information and please reach out to us if you would like to get involved, volunteer or donate to our new organization.

Check out Verdani’s 2016 Holiday video!

Wishing you a health and health holiday season!
About Verdani Partners
A certified woman-owned small business, Verdani Partners consists of a highly qualified and diverse team of architects, engineers, and sustainability consultants from the US, Brazil, India, and China. The company prides itself on being a local firm with a global outreach. Verdani is currently leading Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and corporate sustainability efforts for six large real estate portfolios totaling 325 Million sf and 2,600 properties representing diversified portfolios nationally and internationally. 
We have a great opportunity to transform the way we live, work, and play by shifting our approach to operating and maintaining buildings. With the right tools and resources, Verdani Partners can help lower operating expenses, increase building values, and minimize the environmental impacts of buildings.

For more information visit the company’s
Website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog, Instagram, and YouTube pages.

Copyright © 2016 Verdani Partners, All rights reserved.

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